Sunday, July 26, 2009

looming a head scarf (bandannas)

hear is a project to make a bandanna you don't have to add the pom pom

Knifty Knitter Head ScarfIt’s fun and it will take you no time at all to whip up a head scarf or two for a blustery day using the Knifty Knitter!
Courtesy of Provo Craft

copyed from

Project #:25202b

Crafting Time: Varies With Experience
Skill Level:
1 being the easiest

Knifty Knitter, Blue Loom
Lion Brand®, Color Waves, 1 skein, Your Choice Color
Yarn Needle
Crochet Hook, Size K
Cost of each project will vary depending on materials used.
Due to the seasonal nature of some merchandise, actual availability of some products pictured may vary.

Starting with the tie string end of the hat, using 2 pegs and wrap the yarn in a figure 8 design do 2 wraps and knit the bottom over the top loops, until the tie measures 8-inches.

As you wrap the yarn to the right side of the loom add a loop on the next peg to add a stitch to the hat. Turn around and wrap back to the starting peg. Continue adding to the one side until all of the pegs on the loom are full.

Decrease one stitch on the right hand side, by turning on the last peg (make this last turning stitch very loose) and knit the next two stitches. (Because you have knit back on the 3 stitches, this holds the knitting so that you do not pull it too tight).

Using the crochet hook, take the loop from the turning peg and pull the next loop through the end one and put the remaining loop back on the same peg. Keep this very loose.

When you have decreased to the last 2 loops start wrapping in the figure 8 design and knitting these stitch off, until you have a tie string 8-inches long.

Make a pom-pom or a tassel to hang on the point of the hat.
Follow manufacturer’s direction for products used.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

how to loom

hear are three videos to learn how to loom that i downloaded off of youtube


i have started this blog to share info about looming and to share looming projects. i do the kniffty looms. i have only been looming since march, but it is a easy way to knit, i do the long looms like the one on the pic, the left one, but smaller but now I'm learning how to do the circle looms(wish me luck) anyway, hear is a site where u can get some loom projects.
also hear is some helpful tips to get u started if you are new at this like i am
well happy looming